

Research Outputs

My publications are listed on this page. If you don’t have access to any item listed here, and would like a copy, please contact me.

Key: (*) = undergraduate student co-author; (+) = graduate student co-author; (%) early career academic co-author.

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Book | Gangs, Drugs, and Illicit Markets | Cybercrime | Methods and Ethics | Collaborations and Other Work | Public Outputs

Gangs, Drugs, and Illicit Markets

An Exploration of Illicit Enterprise

My doctoral work focused on illicit enterprises that trade in illicit drugs. I focused on the Paso del Norte metropolitan area, comprised of Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua and El Paso, Texas; Phoenix, Arizona; and, Chicago, Illinois. My book and the publications below discuss the everyday life of the drug trade, issues related to criminal protection markets, prison gangs, and illicit enterprise.

Berry, M. (%), Salinas, M., & Gundur, R. V. (2023). Financial Risk Management Strategies of Small to Medium Illicit Drug Enterprises: Considering Low-level Money Laundering. Trends in Organized Crime. doi: 10.1007/s12117-023-09501-5.

early draft: Berry, M. (%) & Gundur, R.V. (2021). Financial Risk Management Strategies of Small to Medium Illicit Enterprises Second International Research Conference on Empirical Approaches to AML and Financial Crime Suppression, Nassau, The Bahamas. doi: 10.21428/cb6ab371.a67fc4f3 [Open Access Pre-print].

Giommoni, L., Gundur, R.V., & Cheekes, E.(*) (2020). International drug trafficking: past, present, and prospective trends. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Oxford University Press. doi: 9780190264079.013.470.

Giommoni, L. & Gundur, R.V. (2018). An analysis of the United Kingdom’s cannabis market using crowdsourced data. Global Crime, 19(2). doi: 10.1080/17440572.2018.1460071.

Gundur, R.V. (2020). Finding the Sweet Spot: Optimizing criminal careers within the context of illicit enterprise. Deviant Behavior, 41(3), 378-397. doi: 10.1080/01639625.2019.1565851.

Gundur, R.V. (2020). Negotiating Violence and Protection in Prison and on the Outside: The organizational evolution of the transnational prison gang Barrio Azteca. International Criminal Justice Review, 30(1), 30-60. doi: 10.1177/1057567719836466.

Gundur, R.V. (2020). Prison Gangs. In H. N. Ponell (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice.

Gundur, R.V. (2019). Settings Matter: Examining protection’s influence on the illicit drug trade in convergence settings in the Paso del Norte metropolitan area. Crime, Law and Social Change, 72, 229-360. doi: 10.1007/s10611-019-09810-3.

Gundur, R.V. (2018). The Changing Social Organization of Prison Protection Markets: When prisoners choose to organize horizontally rather than vertically. Trends in Organized Crime. doi: 10.1007/s12117-018-9332-0 [Open Access].

Gundur, R. V., & Trammell, R. (2022). When prison gangs become organized crime: Studying protection arrangements and their consequences. Trends in Organized Crime. doi: 10.1007/s12117-022-09469-8.

Purvis, W.E. (+), & Gundur, R.V. (2019). The drug trade at a glance. In V. Mitsilegas, S. Hufnagel, & A. Moiseienko (Eds.), Research Handbook on Transnational Crime. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781784719449.

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A Crime that’s Increasing

I study illicit enterprise in the context of cybercrime and have a specific interest in fraud and financial crime, and how criminal actors leverage emerging and disruptive technologies to commit crime. I am currently working on papers on financial aspects of cybercrime. For a video snapshot of this research [Click Here].

Cole, T. (%) & Gundur, R.V. (2024). Virtual Currency, Cryptoassets, and Cybercrime. In H. Pontell (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190264079.013.ORE_CRI-00782

Levi, M., Doig, A., Gundur, R., Wall, D., & Williams, M. (2017). Cyberfraud and the implications for effective risk-based responses: Themes from UK research. Crime, Law and Social Change, 67(1), 77-96. doi: 10.1007/s10611-016-9648-0

Taodang, D. (*) and Gundur R.V. (2022). How Frauds in Times of Crisis Target People. Victims & Offenders. doi: 10.1080/15564886.2022.2043968

Williams, M., Levi, M., Burnap, P., & Gundur, R.V. (2019). Under the Corporate Radar: Examining Insider Business Cybercrime Victimization through an Application of Routine Activities Theory. Deviant Behavior, 40(9), 1119-1131. doi: 10.1080/01639625.2018.1461786 [Open Access]

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Methods and Ethics

Aqil, N. (%), Petrich, K. (%), & Gundur, R.V. (2023). Leveraging Identity to Overcome Temporal and Financial Limitations in Rapid Ethnography in Criminological Research. The Journal of Criminology. 56(2–3), 170–193. doi: 10.1177/26338076231172521 [Author Accepted Manuscript]

Gundur, R.V. (2019). Using the Internet to Recruit Respondents for Offline Interviews in Criminological Studies. Urban Affairs Review, 55(6), 1731 –1756. doi: 10.1177/1078087417740430.

Gundur, R.V., Berry, M. (%) & Taodang, D. (*) (2021). Using digital open source and crowdsourced data in studies of deviance and crime. In A. Lavorgna & T. Holt (Eds.) Researching Cybercrimes: Methodologies, Ethics, and Critical Approaches. Palgrave.

Winter, C. (*) & Gundur. R.V. (2022). Challenges in Gaining Ethical Approval for Sensitive Digital Social Science Studies. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. [Author Accepted Manuscript]

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Collabs | et cetera

Collaborations and other work outside of my main research themes

Badman, H. (+), Dalton, D. & Gundur, R.V. (2021). Popular Representations of Crime. In D. Dalton, W. de Lint, & D. Palmer (Eds.), Crime and Justice: A Guide to Criminology (6th ed.): Thompson Reuters.

Gundur, R.V., and D. R. Kavish (%). (2022). Captives in Society: The Role of Race in the Carceral Cycle. In B. Crewe, A. Goldsmith, and M. Halsey (Eds.) Power and Pain in the Modern Prison: The Society of Captives Revisited. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hosford, K. (+), Aqil, N. (%), Windle, J., Gundur, R.V., and Allum, F. (2021). “Who researches organised crime? A review of organised crime authorship (2004—2019). Trends in Organized Crime.

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Public Criminology

Government and Industry Reports, Opinion Pieces, and Book Reviews


Gundur, R.V., Levi, M., Topalli, V., Ouellet, M., Stolyarova (%), M., Chang, L. Y.-C., & Domínguez Mejía, D. (2021). Evaluating Criminal Transactional Methods in Cyberspace as Understood in an International Context. CrimRxiv. [Executive Summary, Open Access] | [Full Report, Open Access]

Levi, M., Doig, A., Gundur, R.V., Wall, D. & Williams, M. L. (2015). The Implications of Economic Cybercrime for Policing. London: City of London Corporation. [Open Access].

Levi, M., Innes, M., Reuter, P. & Gundur, R.V. (2013). The Economic, Financial & Social Impacts of Organised Crime in the European Union. Brussels: EU Publications Office. [Open Access].

Opinion Pieces

Muggah, R. & Gundur, R.V. (2024). Perspective: The Caribbean’s metastasizing gang threat needs coordinated regional responses. Small Wars Journal.

Book Reviews

Gundur, R.V. (2013). The New Public Security Model for Mexico. Policing and Society, 24(2), 263-264. doi: 10.1080/10439463.2013.844132.

Gundur, R.V. (2015). Counterfeit Crime: Criminal Profits, Terror Dollars, and Nonsense (R.T. Naylor). Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Books, September.

Gundur, R.V. (2020). Transnational Organized Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean (R. Evan Ellis). International Criminal Justice Review. doi: 10.1177/1057567720908044.

Gundur, R.V. (2022). Crime Dot Com: From Viruses to Vote Rigging, How Hacking Went Global (Geoff White). Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Books, March.

Gundur, R.V. (2022). Syndicate Women: Gender and Networks in Chicago Organized Crime (Chris Smith). Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Books, June.

Gundur, R.V. (2023). The Informal Regulation of Criminal Markets in Latin America (Hernán Flom). International Criminal Justice Review. doi: 10.1177/10575677231199060

Gundur, R.V. (2023). The Slow Violence of Immigration Court: Procedural Justice on Trial (Maya Pagni Barak). Theoretical Criminology. doi: 10.1177/13624806231196691

Gundur, R.V. (2023). Out of the Red: My Life of Gangs, Prison, and Redemption (Christian Bolden). Critical Criminology. doi: 10.1007/s10612-023-09725-5

Gundur, R.V. (2023). Intimate Crimes: Kidnapping, Gangs, and Trust in Mexico City (Rolando Ochoa). Journal of Illicit Economies and Development.

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